«One day, as Picasso was showing one of his paintings to a visitor who told him "not to understand", he asked him if he spoke Chinese, and the visitor answering no, he said: "Well, that can be learned" »1

As is the case for most actors, our actions have been limited since the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic. This forced us to postpone our projects and to reorient our activities during this crisis. Developing our online activities was an obvious reorientation, leading us in particular to launch this blog, which will present the basic concepts of cindynic methodology and address the current issues that we consider important.

Postings are open to comments, which allows you to react to sub-regional issues that you know locally, and allows to complete and diversify the points of view on the situations described and the issues addressed.

We have also made every effort to make all of this site functionalities multilingual, in order to be able to offer you a bilingual French-English site. Initially, cindynic methodology is better known in the French-speaking world: translating this website into English will allow English-speaking readers to discover Cindynics, their concepts, and their applications.

This bilingualisation is also a response to sub-regional actors who have often told us the relevance of such an approach, for example in West Africa, where issues can be shared with english-speaking countries like Ghana or Nigeria, or in Cameroon, where the language issue is sensitive.

However, if you are an English-speaking reader, you will probably consider that the proposed translations deserve to be improved: do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in discovering Cindynics, and if you wish to participate in their dissemination and to improve translations.



1 J.Cocteau. Du Sérieux, Revue des deux mondes, Mars 1951.