2030 Agenda and Deconflictualisation
When implementing the UN 2030 agenda, the construction of perceptions and its builders, especially in the media, must be considered. This is what ...
When implementing the UN 2030 agenda, the construction of perceptions and its builders, especially in the media, must be considered. This is what ...
E.H. Carr considered three forms of political power in the international sphere: military power, economic power, and a third form, less often cited: power ...
Strikes by healthcare workers were launched in France during the pandemic: this will long remain the best example of friction undermining the operational ...
In times of crisis, it would be ideal for the public to trust the government. The debates on the bill relating to the pandemic management, which must among ...
While Vincent Duclert insists on French support, in particular military, for the government of Juvénal Habyarimana, Hubert Védrine recalls that French ...
The media coverage of the Duclert report illustrates one of the basic axioms of Cindynics: the pharmakon principle, which states that any action aiming at ...