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Frances Haugen : lanceuse d'alerte et troyen cyber-colonial

États et hébergeurs face au risque d'autorégulation des Big Tech
Author: Pascal Cohet 18 November 2021

Ex-salariée de Facebook, lanceuse d'alerte tentant de sensibiliser aux risques générés par les politiques des Big Tech, Frances Haugen semble s'efforcer ...

How the Three Classes of Informational Risks Are Entangled in Africa

Disclosure, censorship, deception: Invasive limit, legitimacy diagonal, and diversity.
Author: Pascal Cohet 31 October 2021

As broadband internet access begins to take hold in Africa, this brings both opportunities and risks, which suggests paying attention to informational ...

2030 Agenda and Deconflictualisation

The critical role of perception builders
Author: Pascal Cohet 29 October 2021

When implementing the UN 2030 agenda, the construction of perceptions and its builders, especially in the media, must be considered. This is what ...